how to contribute?
Like this repository
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Fork this repository
Create a copy of this repository in your account.
Clone your repository
Clone the forked repository to your machine.
git clone
replace your-github-name
Open repository
cd linkedin-list-contributions
Create a new branch
git checkout -b your-branch-name
replace your-branch-name
Copy the first li to the top of the list
Add your change to the index.html file
Paste at the top of the list
Edit this li
Change to your name, your Github link and your Linkedin link.
Add your work
git add index.html
Commit your work
git commit -m"add your-name to contributors list"
replace your-name
Push your work to Github
git push -u origin your-branch-name
replace your-branch-name
Return on Github
Create pull request
Then, it is up to me to validate your requests
I thank you very sincerely for participating in this project.